Spanish wing dip

My son is obsessed with FIFA12 & especially FC Barcelona, wants a jersey & even asked to go to a game...,, yea, right! Here's as close as I can get you Cam!


Spanish Wing Dip

3# cream cheese
1/2 c chopped green onions
1 c Portuguese Churrasco sauce or other hot sauce
3 chicken breasts cooked shredded
1 t blackened spice
1/4 c smoked Gouda cheese, shredded
1 T pistachios, crushed
1 c chorizo sausage, browned


Combine all ingredients except pistachios in mixer. Once mixed, transfer to baking pan & bake in 375 degree oven for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle top with crushed pistachios & serve with crackers or tortilla chips!

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