Smores Brulee

The summer is here in Cleveland, & in case you haven't noticed, the humidity, bugs and all around misery is here too...  You see, the weather here is like the center of a hurricane, mostly calm but, you know what lurks.  I went to work @ 6 am with the sun out, looked out the window @ 8am and it was black as midnight!  You just never know do ya?  Well, summertime makes me think of fun, festive things like campfires, hot dogs, hobo pies & smores, of course.  Here's a take on a Smore that I made today.  Enjoy.


Smores Brulee

makes 1 nice big tray

graham cracker crumbs(enough to coat bottom of tray)
15 egg yolks
1 qt heavy cream
2 teas. vanilla extract
1/2 c sugar
1 c marshmallow cream
1 c chocolate chips

Method: saucepan, heat cream, extract & sugar just to a scald.  remove from heat. bowl, place egg yolks.  whisk cream into eggs slowly as not to make scrambled eggs!
3.add marshmallow cream.
4.pour onto cracker crust.
5.add chocolate chips.
6.bake in water bath on 275 for 15-20 minutes or until custard just jiggles slightly.  cool
7.serve and sing campfire songs!!!

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