The ROOT of wings

Inspiration is all around us and the thing is, you just never know when to "Grab it" and run.  Last week, in practicing for a video shoot, I had some chicken wings to utilize but, did not want them to be an everyday flavor... As I looked around my kitchen, I found the traditional garnishes... hot sauce, liquid butter, seasonings.  In a "practice" setting, these ingredients are Fine to use but, wanting to push taste-buds a little further, I decided to go into our lunchroom.  2 soda machines, snack foods and a microwave.  Not exactly a place for Food inspiration, let alone, Food Innovation.  As I had exactly $1.50 to use on these said machines, I found it!  Inspiration in a 16 oz bottle.  Root beer!  Eureka!

Back to the kitchen I ran and before you knew it, this happened.


Spicy Root beer chicken wings

1 dozen chicken wings(raw or precooked, your preference)
1 bottle root beer
1/4 c hot sauce
1/4 c liquid butter
shaved celery
toasted sesame seeds

1.cook wings to desired crispiness level, being sure to fully cook. sauce pot, heat root beer on medium heat for 7-10 minutes, until liquid is reduced by at least half. bowl, mix together hot sauce and liquid butter.  pour in root beer.
4.toss crispy wings into sauce and plate.
5.garnish with sesame seeds and celery.

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